So a client approaches you and asks to have cleaners service ten stores spread out across the giant sprawl of Los Angeles and they want that twice a day, morning and evening, for each store over twelve days but you can’t schedule one cleaner at each store for the whole time because that would be prohibitively expensive, possibly the cost of one year of an ivy league education.
What to do?
Here’s how PopUP CleanUP resolved this logistical dilemma: we clustered stores that were within thirty minutes of one another and created a schedule whereby one cleaner serviced two to three stores during each four hour shift. We created five clusters, thereby reducing man hours, but still enabling each location to have enough manpower throughout the day to handle the desired tasks: general cleaning of space, emptying trash, disinfection, and any loading and unloading of client foods and materials.
With Covid on the wane, but still existent, we supplied rented hand sanitizer stations and refillable hand sanitizer plus cardboard trash cans and trash liners at cost.

Some cleaners worked two shifts at the same location, going in the morning and then retracing those steps in the evening. Some cleaners split shifts, tending to only one group of locations. This was a new challenge for us, but the system worked smoothly and the client seemed pleased.
We repeated this challenge for their Chicago location, where we also provided reusable trash cans as well. In Chicago, they had seven stores in the outlying areas, some to the north side and some to the southwest area, and we were able to create three clusters as well based on distances between stores.
PopUP CleanUP provides professional cleaning for large-scale events whether that means over one hundred and fifty people or covering large or multiple territories. If you have a complex event you need serviced, we strategize to make your event run smoothly and cleanly.