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Your Ultimate Live-event Game Plan

Design our world so that we have positive social and environmental side effects.

—Bjarke Ingels
Danish Architect


The Dalai Lama once said it is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live. The health, safety, and cleanliness of the environment is of paramount importance to humans. While this has always been true, it has only been further reinforced and amplified by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting worldwide health crisis.

Today, cleanliness, health, and safety are high-profile topics that stream in the collective consciousness of people reemerging into the public. For event producers and venue managers that plan live in-person events, it is now a critical priority to create a clean and safe environment with extra precautions to ensure the well-being of all attending guests and staff.

So, what does this specifically mean for event producers and venue managers that bear the enormous responsibility of ensuring that live in-person events meet high-level quality standards for public health? Also, how is it to be effectively executed in the later stages of a pandemic when public facilities are reopening to a whole new world of cleanliness standards that directly affect public health and safety?

This paper provides a game plan for maintaining event cleanliness, health, and safety in accordance with the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on organizing large events and gatherings (See generally “Guidance for Organizing Large Events and Gatherings,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, updated March 7, 2021) as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) (See generally “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Mass Gatherings,” World Health Organization, April 14, 2020).  The game plan is broken down into three parts for event planning and management purposes:

  • Before the event which will address critical elements of risk assessment, venue evaluation, and pre-event cleaning/preparation,

  • During the event which will review the details of live event cleaning, and

  • After the event which goes over post event cleaning protocols.


The safety of attendees, staff, and everyone involved with an event is perhaps the greatest responsibility of the event organizer. Before a live in-person event, planners must conduct a basic risk assessment along with evaluating the venue ahead of time. This is followed by pre-event cleaning and preparation. Let’s explore each of these pre-event activities in a little more depth.


A risk assessment is a process to identify potential hazards or risks and analyze what could happen if one occurs. It also includes making contingency plans for managing or mitigating potential risks that are considered high-priority.

This means walking through the venue―from start to finish―until all risks that may come up have been appropriately identified. An event planner should make effective use of expert resources, such as the event team, when conducting this assessment.

Experienced team members will be able to identify hazards and provide innovative solutions to mitigate these risks during this process.


There are several categories of risks or hazards that an event planner must address:

  • Human Hazards
  • Technological Hazards
  • Natural or Environment Hazards


Human hazards typically relate to hazards caused by humans. It is necessary to plan for the type and size of the crowd expected for the event. Obviously, it can be entirely different depending on the particular nature of the event. These human hazards can involve crowd control, accidents, and intentional human acts (i.e., labor strike, bomb threat, etc.).

Technological hazards usually involve machinery and utilities that will be relied upon at an event. This could involve a computer crash, utility outage, hazardous materials, or fire/explosion.

Natural or environmental hazards can involve meteorological, geological, and biological threats.

Meteorological may involve excessive heat at the event (one of the greatest safety risks to every event) and geological might involve tricky terrain that can cause injuries. Generally, meteorological and geological threats are a bit harder to plan for―with the exception of inclement weather forecasts―because these are factors that often occur randomly. However, biological threats (such as diseases like the COVID-19 pandemic and foodborne illnesses) can be better planned for and managed through the adoption of proper cleanliness and health measures.

Biological hazards such as diseases can be transmitted through the following methods: food contamination, airborne transmission (fine liquid droplets or aerosols in the air from breathing), large droplets (typically from spit and saliva), and fomites, also known as surface contamination. Surface contamination generally occurs where germs are transmitted through high touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, countertops, or clothing. All of which can occur easily at a live in-person event with many people.

Even with the vaccine roll-out, the biological threat of the COVID-19 pandemic―along with other communicable diseases―are hazards that have to be carefully assessed prior to a live in-person event. The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person―specifically between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). It is not definitive whether it spreads by large droplets released by coughing, sneezing, shouting, and singing, or aerosols diffused by breathing, but regardless, both methods occur via mouth and nose of the infected individual. Droplets and aerosols can land in the mouths or noses of people who are in close proximity and possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Aerosolized droplets can remain viable for up to 3 hours if not treated. This is why it is critical for people to wear masks.

Excellent guidance for event organizers planning large gatherings during the current COVID-19 pandemic is available for free from WHO which provides a thorough risk assessment tool. This tool includes risk evaluation, risk mitigation, decision tree analysis, checklists, and forms for evaluating large gatherings.


Once specific hazards have been fully identified, the next step is to assess the level of risk each hazard brings with it. This is usually done through some type of simple scoring mechanism. For example, take any identified hazard and rate it from 1 to 5 in both likelihood of the event occurring and the impact/consequences if it did.

So, if an event is almost certain to occur (scoring a 5) and would have a moderate impact if it did (scoring a 3), that hazard scores a 15 (5 multiplied by 3). Any scores over 5 should be given special attention in the planning process.


As mentioned above, once specific hazards (risks) have been identified and sorted in a priority list based upon score, then strategies can be applied to remove or reduce the likelihood or impact of a particular risk. These strategies for mitigating risk include:

  • Elimination
  • Substitution
  • Engineering
  • Administrative
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Elimination involves removing the hazard entirely by implementing a new process or doing something differently. For example, eliminating a liquid spill on a tiled floor to prevent slipping.

Substitution might necessitate replacing dangerous materials or situations with less dangerous alternatives. For instance, substituting the use of a toxic cleaning chemical for one that is not.

Engineering is generally applied to contain or reduce a hazard through design improvements. An example of an engineering control might involve changing work surface heights, installing plexiglass boundaries, or purchasing lifting aids.

Administrative risk control occurs when safe operating procedures are in place, backed up by effective training and monitoring. This type of control might involve placing markers or visual cues every six feet to encourage social distancing.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) includes equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause injuries and illnesses such as masks, goggles, etc.


Assessing risk is usually done contemporaneously with evaluating the venue. This also includes developing procedures, protocols, and checklists specific to that venue.


The first thing that must be done is to evaluate the size of the venue and its capacity. Currently, capacity should be determined and limited based on state and local guidelines. This is extremely important when it comes to managing health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

While continuous cleaning and disinfecting are very important to prevent the spread of communicable disease at live events, there are other precautions that should be taken to prevent a superspreader event from occurring. (According to Penn Medicine, a “superspreader event” occurs when one highly contagious person infects an unusually high number of others. The “superspreader” is a generic term for an unusually contagious individual who has been infected with disease. In the context of the coronavirus, scientists have not narrowed down how many infections someone needs to cause to qualify as a superspreader, but generally speaking it far exceeds two to three individuals. See “Superspreader Events and Small Gatherings: COVID-19 Safety Tips,” Penn Medicine, December 10, 2020. Also see “What’s a Coronavirus Superspreader?” MIT Technology Review, June 15, 2020.) The first, most important and most effective action people can take to protect themselves and others is to wear a mask at events. Secondly, social distancing―one of the reasons for reducing capacity― typically requires a six-foot distance between people which reduces the spread. (The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) advises limiting close face-to-face contact with others as the best way to reduce the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Specifically, to practice social or physical distancing, individuals should stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) from other people who are not from your household in both indoor and outdoor spaces. See “Social Distancing − Keep a Safe Distance to Slow the Spread,” November 17, 2020.)

Masks are a simple barrier or entrapment device to help prevent respiratory droplets and aerosols from reaching others. Studies show that masks reduce the spray of these droplets and aerosols when worn over the nose and mouth. This is highly effective in protecting other people in the vicinity.

A mask should be worn even if one does not feel sick. This is because several studies have found that people with COVID-19 who never develop symptoms (asymptomatic) and those who are not yet showing symptoms (pre-symptomatic) can still spread the virus to other people. (See “Guidance for Wearing Masks,” Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Updated February 18, 2021.)It is also highly advised to use KN95 or N95 rated masks which provide 95% protection as opposed to handmade or cloth masks. (For a more detailed discussion on mask types, ratings, and effectiveness see “Which Facial Covering is Better? Experts Talk KN95, Cloth, and Surgical Masks,” Healthline.) Highly rated masks will protect the wearer, but all masks will protect everyone else. Lastly, masks should not be put on babies, children under two years old, people having difficulty breathing, or who are unconscious.


An event planner should create a safety protocol and associated checklist. This includes the location that guests or staff at an event can go if they should get sick. It also has a list of local emergency contacts such as fire, police, hospital, and urgent care. The protocol must establish a system for how incidents will be responded to, documented, and reported. It should also include the appropriate response to other non-medical emergencies such as inclement weather or a security breach.

The protocol must also include a cleaning procedure for before, during, and after the event. To do so, high touch surfaces must be properly identified for disinfection. One way to this is through “finger tracing” all surface areas that guests or staff might come in contact with frequently. This can include doorknobs, bathroom faucets, light switches, elevator buttons, bannisters, cash registers, computer consoles, payment terminals, condiment stations, pens, or any interactive vendor demonstrations.

As part of this process, a cleaning schedule needs to be developed along with a system for cleaning by the event staff. It is also a good idea to consider closing areas that cannot be cleaned and easily disinfected such as public drinking fountains.


Evaluating the venue geometry requires that an event planner diagram the expected flow of traffic during the event. This also involves organizing the entry and exit points to the event in a manner consistent with social distancing requirements, especially if there are areas where people have to form queues.

Part of this process requires creating maps for designated trash collection points, food and bar distribution, bathroom access, and sitting areas. Also consider mapping where heat lamps might be required for outdoor areas.

Signage needs will also have to be determined as well as social distancing lines or checkpoints for queueing areas. Signage should also limit the number of people allowed at any one time in specified areas such as elevators and restrooms. Capacities are usually determined by local rules and regulations.

When evaluating venue geometry, it should be decided how to configure a video conference/live audience if it is a hybrid event like they have at many business meetings or conferences. It is also a good idea to block off rows of seats or sections to further maintain social distancing. If possible, offer staggered attendance times as well. Moreover, consider installing plexiglass barriers, where possible, between guests, staff, and/or tables―especially if social distancing is not reasonable or possible.


When evaluating the venue, it is extremely important to assess ventilation requirements for the event. An event planner should ask whether the ventilation needs to be increased. How much circulation can you access from the outdoors? Likewise, how much can the event spill outside? Also, what will the weather be like during the event? Will it allow for indoor/outdoor mingling and circulation?

In a similar vein, request information on the venue’s air filtration system such as when was the last time it was changed. Find out whether it is certified HEPA (“high-efficiency particulate air”) filtration. (A HEPA filter generally uses a mat of dense fibers to trap particles moving through it. In order to meet the HEPA specification, an air filter must trap 99.97 percent of all particles that are 0.3 microns in diameter. It can trap smaller particles (and is generally very effective at trapping larger particles as well), but its effectiveness declines as the particles get smaller. See generally “True HEPA Filter: What It Is and What It Isn’t,” Molekule, March 30, 2019.) OSHA specifically recommends the installation of high-efficiency air filters along with increasing ventilation rates in the environment. ( See “Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19,” U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), OSHA 3990-03 2020, pages 12-13.) To really combat COVID-19, a powerful and high efficiency air filtration system might include several layers of purification technology that treats the air. Also, make sure not to open windows or doors if they pose a safety risk such as falling―especially if children are going to be at the event.


It is a good idea to conduct an assessment of plumbing and waterflow at the venue. Older buildings or bathrooms that have been shut down or have been unused for months at a time may pose the risk of either bad plumbing or bacterial growth. The bacterial growth can incubate Legionnaire’s disease which can be deadly.

An event manager should never assume that the cleaning company will know how to deal with these types of issues. This is a job for plumbers and the local health department.


Surface spreading or fomite transmission potential must be considered to determine those surfaces at an event that are more “transfer-efficient” making them capable of spreading germs and viruses among guests and staff. Those surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected on a more continual basis throughout the duration of the event.

Regardless of humidity level, bacteria and viruses spread more readily on non-porous surfaces than porous ones. A study released by the American Society for Microbiology (See “Transfer Efficiency of Bacteria and Viruses from Porous and Nonporous Fomites to Fingers under Different Relative Humidity Conditions,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, September 2013), ranked the transfer efficiency of common surfaces and prioritized them from the most transferable to the least (non-porous to porous). In order, they are:

  • Acrylic
  • Glass
  • Ceramic tile
  • Laminate
  • Stainless steel
  • Granite
  • Cotton
  • Polyester
  • Paper currency


While there has been some controversy and inconsistent information about whether COVID-19 can be spread by touching infected surfaces, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now states that it is not thought to be the main or common way that the virus spreads.” However, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that the virus can spread “after infected people sneeze, cough on, or touch surfaces, or objects, such as tables, doorknobs and handrails.” ( For a more detailed discussion on the issues of COVID-19 and surface transmission see “COVID-19 Rarely Spreads Through Surfaces. So Why Are We Still Deep Cleaning?” Nature, January 29, 2021.)

Regardless, it is highly advised that surfaces be frequently disinfected at live in-person events to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. To make it easier, event planners should minimize décor. Avoid things that are harder to clean and more porous like carpets, curtains, cushioned ropes, pillows, fabric chairs, and sofas. Harder, less porous surfaces may contribute more to spreading, but they are easier and quicker to clean. Porous materials are breeding grounds for germs.

Accordingly, it is further suggested that event managers consider implementing contactless ticket-taking and money transfer systems. Buffets, salad bars, and self-serving drink stations should also be avoided. Disposable cutlery should be offered―preferably made with bamboo or biodegradable sustainable materials.


After conducting a risk assessment and thoroughly evaluating the venue, the next step to getting ready is pre-event cleaning and preparation.


Event managers should hire a licensed professional cleaning company to clean the space and determine the appropriate levels of staffing. For large events, consider having a manager or dispatcher on site to receive, review, and check off all cleaning tasks while managing the entire cleaning crew.

This is extremely important because the two biggest pain points in the cleaning industry are poor quality or craftsmanship and inadequate customer service. Quality depends on establishing objective standards for cleanliness ahead of time. Standards and specific requirements for each venue can differ significantly. This is why it is critical to make sure that expectations are clear and documented beforehand with a professional cleaning service to eliminate quality issues.


In addition to hiring a licensed professional cleaning company, an event manager should inquire whether that company provides and uses a smartphone app for quality control during a live in-person event. Especially now, during the pandemic, the health and safety of people cannot be left up to subjective interpretation that is not customized for a specific venue.

A topflight cleaning service will use and provide technological solutions that provide live event intercommunication along with a customized checklist developed from an event risk assessment based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocols. The checklist will identify frequent touch points and take into account both the type of event and the venue’s geometry.

The in-app checklist should be customized to the venue after a pre-event walkthrough that creates an objective standard of cleanliness for the event. It should also include a time schedule for cleanings during the event based on expected volume, surface spreading potential, and other critical cleanliness needs.

To further ensure the integrity of the cleaning work, the app should easily work with printed out QR codes that can be placed in high touch point areas to be scanned each time a cleaning is performed by the services cleaning crew. (A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) that is a machine-readable optical label. It contains information about the item to which it is attached. In practice, QR codes often contain data for a locator, identifier, or tracker that points to a website or application. See generally “QR Code,” Wikipedia.​) The scanning of the QR codes at different cleaning locations checks off boxes on the app’s virtual cleaning checklist in real-time. The updated information is transmitted through the app to the onsite manager and crew member’s smartphone. This provides a two-way communication to maintain full quality control for the duration of the event.

Depending on the event and service requested, the app should also have the streamlined ability to provide real-time information to the event manager as well. This can include viewing the checklists with date/time stamp and posted photos of the completed work taken by the crew member.

Moreover, smartphones with vibrating messenger apps work better than traditional “walkie-talkies” because they are less disruptive if the event is quiet and conversational. On the other side of the noise spectrum, if an event is too loud, the staff won’t hear the audio on a walkie-talkie.

The use of an interactive cleaning app creates little room for subjective interpretation or errors while establishing a specific standard that can be effectively managed in real-time to meet all cleanliness expectations.


Prior to the event, all safety protocols for the specific venue must be appropriately communicated to all staff and crew. This should include the basic mantra of “clean first, disinfect second” as well as how to appropriately communicate and enforce compliance with the cleaning and safety protocols established for the event. Specific cleaning products and their correct usage must be identified ahead of time for the event and made known to the cleaning staff. The cleaning products chosen must meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) standard for approved disinfectants that kill coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and other pathogens when used according to label directions. These approved disinfectants appear on the EPA’s “List N.” (The EPA’s “List N” of disinfectant products is available for review. See “List N: Disinfectants for Coronavirus (COVID-19),” United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).)

The “kill time” or time it takes for a cleaning product to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses should be communicated to all cleaning staff prior to the live event. Moreover, staff should be made aware of the necessity of using microfiber cloth when wiping down surfaces so that the surface will stay wet―allowing the disinfectant to effectively do its job.

All cleaning staff should know the specific standard of cleaning required for the event, how it will be attained, and the manner in which it will be measured for quality assurance. Communication with cleaning staff should also emphasize the importance of keeping guests and employees safe at all times. This should also include the necessity of frequent handwashing during the event as well as modeling good behavior by wearing masks over both mouth and nose. Staff should also be reminded of the importance of staying home if they have signs or symptoms of illness, colds, or the flu.

Lastly, Staff should be made familiar with the language and culture necessary to communicate effectively with the clientele and guests of the specific event they will be working.


Certain purchases and rentals must be made prior to the event for maintaining cleanliness and safety. It will likely be necessary to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) for event attendees and onsite staff. These can include:

  • 3-ply disposable face masks
  • 65% alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Gloves for porters, production assistants, and those handling food or drink
  • Disinfectant sprays
  • Hand soap
  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels
  • Trash bags
  • Some equipment and necessities may also have to be rented for the event. These include:
  • Trash cans
  • Dumpsters
  • First-aid kits
  • Disinfecting and hand-washing stations
  • Cleaning tools and supplies needed to restore the venue back to normal after the event


All of this equipment will need to be installed and/or placed in appropriate locations throughout the venue to efficiently service the event.


Specific signage will need to be placed in appropriate locations throughout the event. These may include six-foot markers on the floors of common areas such as restrooms, bars, lounge areas, etc. Passages for bilateral traffic must be clearly marked with traffic arrows. All mingling spaces should be configured to allow for pods and social distancing.

Throughout the event, COVID-19 guidelines should be posted and easily visible to guests. QR codes may be posted that link to a specific website to educate guests on why it is important to wear masks and what to do if someone should become ill or develop symptoms at the event. A qualified, full-service live event cleaning company should be able to set up these QR codes along with the associated website prior to the event. Moreover, as a matter of transparency, the cleaning protocols should be publicized on the event website or in appropriate places around the venue.


All surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected prior to the event. It is recommended that a cleaning company use a product such as SNiPER electrostatic disinfection spray with a thirty-minute dwell time to thoroughly sterilize the venue and destroy all pathogens. (SNiPER is a powerful disinfectant and all-purpose cleaner that is a mild and friendly product. It is non-irritating to the skin and does not produce harsh chemical fumes. SNiPER kills bacteria in 60 seconds and 99.9% of all germs. It is tested effective as a bactericide, virucide, and fungicide. Its proprietary formulation makes it a unique disinfection system targeting the most harmful viruses and bacteria.) The wrap-around coverage of this disinfecting process coats the entire surface space of the venue including doorknobs and keyboards to give an extra level of protection.

To ensure safety when using SNiPER electrostatic disinfection, cleaners should wear gloves, glasses, or goggles to protect against splash hazards. There should also be adequate ventilation during its use (i.e., open windows). All label directions should be followed.

SNiPER spray works on all types of pathogens: bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. It’s main chemical agent, chlorine dioxide, dismantles the mechanical structure of the pathogen as opposed to working chemically, thereby preventing the pathogen from developing resistance to the spray. While lethal for pathogens, SNiPER is environmentally safe for people, pets, and plants. (See “Is an Environmentally-Safe Disinfectant an Oxymoron?” Pop Up Clean Up, December 8, 2020.)


During the live in-person event, cleaners should be visible throughout the venue and decked out in proper uniform and personal protective equipment (PPE). Cleaners should have a hard copy, or preferably, a mobile in-app cleaning checklist along with a reminder system for frequent cleanings of previously identified areas.

As a general rule, all designated high touch surfaces and amenities should be disinfected every fifteen minutes or between each guest if possible. Special attention should also be given to public restrooms.

The venue’s ventilation should be augmented or maintained throughout the event. Moreover, if there is an ability to circulate outdoor air into the indoor space, that should be monitored and attended to as well.

Trash collection should be monitored to ensure speedy trash removal and prevent the overflowing of receptacles that should be strategically placed around the venue. Also, make sure dumpsters are easy to access and do not overflow.

If food is served at the event, all U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) code guidelines should be meticulously followed. This includes maintaining appropriate water temperature (in excess of 180 degrees Fahrenheit) with soap for dish and glass cleaning. Workers should also maintain a wash cycle that exceed the FDA requirements. (For more details on FDA food requirements see “FDA Food Code,” U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), current as of December 12, 2019.)

Lastly, cleaners should maintain flexibility to deal with unexpected issues as they arise during the event. This is another reason why seasoned event cleaners are extremely valuable to ensure the smooth flow of events.


When the event has come to an end, the cleaning service can begin a thorough disinfecting and ventilation of the venue. It is suggested that multiple events be spaced far enough apart to allow appropriate time for cleaning in-between.

Staff should open all windows, circulate fans or ventilation systems, and completely refresh the indoor airspace.

All trash needs to be rounded up and placed in the dumpster to keep the entire area free of litter.

If vendors are present, booths will need to be broken-down at the completion of the event.

Detailed attention must be given to floor care. This will likely include waxing tile, vacuuming carpet, washing down concrete, and picking up waste from grass or sand depending upon the venue. If vacuuming is required, be sure to use a vacuum with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter.

Vacuuming in a room should not be done until everyone has left. The cleaner should be wearing protective gear during this process because the vacuum kicks up dust particles and may stir contamination. Also, be sure to turn off heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units when vacuuming so as not to contaminate them.

Cleaning should be finished with electrostatic spray disinfection as described earlier. However, there is no need to spray disinfectant on roads, sidewalks, grass, or groundcover. Essentially, it is a waste of supplies and not effective.

Outdoor areas generally only require routine cleaning. If there should be any toxic spills or contamination with bodily fluids, these should be appropriately addressed by a licensed hazardous material (HAZMAT) team.

It is not recommended to disinfect wood, wood benches, tables, and play structures because wood is highly porous and extremely hard to disinfect and clean.

Restrooms should be left cleaner than they were found. All tiles should be wiped down. Toilets, sinks, faucets, and all mirrors should be sprayed with disinfectant.

After the event, if required, any contact tracing must be conducted if this issue arises. This includes notification to public health officials and affected event attendees. They will need to be advised of sick individuals and home isolation requirements.

Finally, when everything is put to rest, a professional licensed cleaning service will encourage meeting with the event staff and venue planning team to review the event and discuss lessons learned. This is a way for both the cleaning team and event sponsors to continuously improve planning and update their strategies and protocols to be as most effective as possible.


To successfully produce a live in-person event that is healthy, safe, and clean for all involved there are a myriad of details that must be managed―especially when venues are reopening to public scrutiny in the later stages of a worldwide health crisis. These details must be planned for prior to the event, executed meticulously during the event, and effectively managed after the event.

The best way for an event producer or venue manager to handle these critical details without becoming overwhelmed is to outsource this responsibility to an extremely qualified cleaning service that is license and bonded.

For your next event, please consider Pop Up Clean Up as your turn-key partner for managing this entire process―before, during, and after―with absolute professionalism that gets the desired results.

We have many years of live event experience including a Nike branding event at the 2018 NBA All-Star Games, the Los Angeles Marathon, and a swag event connected to the Oscars. Also, Pop Up Clean Up has been designated as an approved vendor of the Super Bowl LVI Business Connect program. We are one of 230 local diverse businesses in the Los Angeles area identified as a certified, experienced company approved to compete for contracts related to the Super Bowl.

Our teams can handle events whether they be large or small. We are experts when it comes to electrostatic spray disinfection and we have one of the best in-app cleaning checklists for smartphones that allow us to customize, monitor, and communicate quality assurance in real-time throughout the entire duration of your important event.

Pop Up Clean Up services the entire greater Los Angeles area.

We look forward to hearing about your organization’s next event at [email protected],, or (323) 538-0188.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

—Jim Rohn