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Six Things 90% of Event Planners Forget!

Review Your Event-Planning Checklist

Most event planners live and breathe by the all-important event planning checklist. When you have a plan right in front of you, it’s less likely for things to fall through the cracks, and you’ll look like a superhero.

So why do 90% of event planners forget these six powerful details?

The most likely answer is: these things are too often considered afterthoughts rather than an integral part of the planning phase! Make sure you don’t leave them out on your event planning checklist:

#1 – Event Cleanup

Cleaning up is the last part of any event, which is why it tends to be left off the average event planning checklist. It’s not the sexiest part of the job, but it can be one of the most important. If you had to make a cleaning deposit on your venue, you might not be able to get it back if you leave trash cans overflowing or spills on the floor.

In many cases, your setup crew will leave as soon as the event begins and you, the event planner, is left holding the trash bag once the last guest makes their exit.

It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it – and it shouldn’t have to be you! Make sure you plan post-event cleanup efforts so you can get back your deposit and not burn bridges with the venue manager. You may also find it beneficial to hire someone to clean up the site prior to guests arriving to ensure every little detail is perfect.

#2 – Check-in Process

You might not need a check-in process for a simple birthday party, but many hosts will need to know who’s in attendance. If attendees have pre-registered for the event, they may need to pick up badges and materials before the event begins.

Having a custom check-in process can help to set the tone for the rest of your event. The way you greet the guests and instruct them on what to expect can make all the difference in how guests remember the occasion.

Some things you might consider when customizing your check-in process:

● Where will guests enter to check in?

● Who will be on site to direct them to the check-in area?

● What resources need to be available at the check-in area?

● What time will check-in begin and how many people will be needed to staff the area?

● What information will you need to collect at check-in (e.g. an ID, ticket, email address, etc)?

● How will you brand the check-in experience?

● Will you hand out badges, name tags, maps, or other resources?

● Will you collect information about attendees?

● Will you need security on site to check bags?

You may need to add to this list, but it should give you enough inspiration to get started. But more importantly, these suggestions demonstrate the importance of not making your check-in process a priority. This is the first piece of the event and will set early expectations.

#3 – Weather-Related Plan B

You can’t control the weather, but you can ensure that no matter what Mother Nature is doing, it won’t affect your event.

Every event needs a Plan B, regardless of whether your event is outside. Bad weather could create power outages, safety issues, and soaked guests walking from the car to the venue, so think about ways to circumvent weather-related issues.

#4 – Highly Effective Staff

Staffing your event is one of the most important aspects of event planning, but it can also be one of the trickiest. You might be tempted to rely on volunteers to cut costs, and that’s okay – as long as each person knows what’s expected of them and can do the job well.

Seasoned event planners take time to train staff on their roles. Many event planners work with the same vendors once they find good ones because they know they can depend on them.

#5 – Event Signage

From parking lots to hallways, your attendees need to know where to go. Think about the navigational questions attendees are most likely to ask (e.g. parking, bathrooms, check-in, etc.), then see if you can answer those questions with well-placed signage.

If you already have signage on your event planning checklist, make sure it’s enough. One sign in your parking lot or atrium might not be enough to guide people to the right place, so make it as easy as possible for them to find the event.

You can have fun with this part! Think outside the box when it comes to signage, such as using floor decals, hanging banners, lights, and other materials.

#6 – Event Licenses and Insurance

There’s a lot of legal behind-the-scenes that many event planners tend to gloss over. Contracts, licenses, and insurance will vary between events, but planners need to be prepared for these annoying yet necessary details.

To start, check with your local municipality to see if you need a special license or permit for the event. You should also check with your local insurance agent about purchasing event insurance to remove liability from the host. Some venues may offer this as part of your rental agreement, but it’s always better to check first.

Review Your Event Planning Checklist Now!

Are these six must-do’s on your event planning checklist? If not, now’s the time to add them to make every event in your hands a success.

Let Popup Cleanup take one of these items off your to-do list. We’re the event cleaning specialists that give you a hands-free approach to pre-event and post-event cleanup – because savvy event planners know the event isn’t quite over when your guests go home.

Request a quote today and leave the rest to PopUP CleanUP!

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