Need Event Cleaning?

Call Us Today: (323) 538-0188

Why We Insist on Pre-Production Meetings

If your event is over 2000 people, our protocol is usually to request a pre-production meeting before issuing an estimate. This is to make sure that we understand the true scope of the event and the work required to make it run smoothly and to make sure that our cleaners don’t find themselves in a spot where they are physically incapable of handling the workload put in front of them.

On various occasions, as we were starting out on this venture called a small business, we found that either our recommendations for staffing were not being taken seriously or we did not have a full picture of the needs and logistics of the event.

Event cleaning has so many moving parts. How many guests are coming? What’s the square footage of the space? What are we being asked to do? Do you just want restroom attendants? Or are we cleaning the kitchen and turning over a gazebo and vacuuming the entryway of your private estate as well? Are we managing the trash? Does it require separation and landfill diversion strategies to be in accordance with state laws? And if so, how far do we have to haul it to the dumpster? There’s no easy formula for staffing, because all of these factors contribute to the final count.

If you have a large scale outdoor event and need trash management, we know that we will either need a golf cart or a trash caddy to make sure that we can empty cans quickly and in bulk. If you have a street fair and the dumpsters are only at one end of a four to five city block length, that’s going to be a long way for the cleaners to walk back and forth to empty a few cans. Wheels are in this case necessary.

If you’re having food or alcohol areas, your event is automatically going to create a lot more trash than if it’s just a car show viewing or a craft fair. If you are in a municipality like San Francisco or Santa Monica that requires trash sorting into compost, trash, and recycling, then we may need to provide dedicated staff to a sorting station.

Although many of us live in the digital world of emails and texts and online forms, we long for human connection which is why we put on events. That first touchpoint of human connection and customer service can be critical to making your event go smoothly as well.

PopUP CleanUP provides cleanup and rentals for events of 150 people or more.

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